Wednesday, December 2, 2015


1. First Indian online newspaper?
2. Full form of ENIAC?
3. Full form of EDSAC?
4. The Indian who designed Hotmail?
5. The year in which Internet facility is made available in India?
6. The element which is used to make micro chips?
7. Where is the first software technology park in India located?
8. Where was the first computer in India established?
9. Autobiography of Charles Babbage?
10. Where is the first technopark in India located?

1. Financial Express.
2. Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator.
3. Electronic Data Storage And Computer.
4. Sabeer Bhatia.
5. 1995 August 15.
6. Silicon.
7. Noida.
8. ISI Kolkatha.
9. Passage from the life of a philosopher.
10. Trivandrum.

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Words from the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)'s last sermon

“Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer for your deeds. So beware, do not astray from the path of righteousness aft...