Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Unconditional love

Today, she called me many times; Morning, noon, evening and night! Because I was sick. She was very eager to know the condition of my health at each moment. In the morning, I told her that I would consult the doctor forenoon but I didn’t. In the evening, when she called and asked about the doctor’s comments, I replied that I hadn’t consulted the doctor. She became very angry and said so many things. I got very nice advises such as if you never consult, the illness would increase etc. ;) At the end of the evening, after sunset, I consulted the doctor and bought medicines and informed details to her. Then she became normal and got some satisfaction to mind. 

I thought how much she cares for me! From the birth to till now! I was a new born baby. She cared, loved and spent uncountable nights for me. Then I became a child. She cared, loved and taught what is good and what is bad. Then I started schooling. She cared, loved and enlightened me how to behave in society. Then I started to go to university away from home. She is caring, loving and praying for me every time. This is what we call it as Unconditional love and we get its purest form from our mothers. I love you my mother :)

Sunday, October 29, 2017

TCS interview experience

There were three rounds viz technical, managerial and HR.

They asked following questions to me.
  1. Technical round
    1. Tell me about yourself
    2. Explain your main project
    3. Application areas of your main project
    4. How cost effective your project is ?
    5. Favorite topic in mechanical engineering (I said thermodynamics and fluid mechanics)
    6. What is open system and closed system?
    7. Draw p-v and T-s diagram of Carnot cycle
    8. Differences between petrol engine and diesel engine
    9. What is a turbine?
    10. What are the different manufacturing techniques?
    11. Have you worked on sheet metal?
    12. How to make a cylinder with sheet metal?
    13. What is polymorphism in c++ ?

     2. Managerial and HR
    1. Tell me about yourself
    2. What is the unique thing which differentiate you from other students?
    3. Do you read any book ?
    4. Newspaper main headline
    5. Current most discussing topic in the country
    6. Tell me about your family?
    7. How do you help your father as a mechanical engineer?
    8. Are you willing to work out of state?
    9. Are you willing to work on shifts?
    10. Do you have higher study plan? why?
    11. What do you know about TCS?
    12. Why TCS?
    13. TCS projects
    14. What type of job you would like to do?
    15. Have you heard IOT ? Explain
    16. Hobbies
    17. Extra curricular activities
    18. Do you have any questions?
Finally I got placed in TCS EIS and IOT department.

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