Friday, January 8, 2016

How much blessed we are ?!!

One week ago, I was travelling by bus. 10 minutes travel. There is a reason for sharing my experience with you right now. There would be almost 35+ passengers in that bus. Some of them were talking each other, some of them were doing nothing and some of them were dreaming. ;).

At that time, a new passenger came. The conductor who gives bus tickets helped him to climb foot path and ensured that he got his seat. I thought why he helped the new one. Then I realized that he was blind! Yes, can you imagine that what would be your life if you were blind?! Can you imagine?  You don't like that life, right? No sun, no moon, no sky, no birds, nothing...totally darkness..! Even you can't see your mother, father!!! Also you will be unable to see yourself..! What would be that life? Yes, such a life is lead by them, Blinds. So think how much blessed we are. We can see ourselves; we can see our mother, father, relatives, trees, sun, moon, sky etc. Thank your Lord who has created you. Then, we can return to my travel.

Bus is started. After 5 minutes, one person has entered the bus. Remember that, that bus was local bus. The new one's height was too low. Even he couldn't balance his own body! Again, the conductor helped him to be seated. I have seen many persons before who has no sufficient height but a man who can't balance his own body...?! It was the 1st time in my life. Again we want to think about our life, our height, our skills, our talents, our abilities. Yes, we are so blessed!

photo source:
Again after 3 minutes, one person left the bus. He had a problem with his legs. His right leg was not good. But he was one of the people who continuously spoke during travel. Said jokes. But he has too a big problem. We want to think about our legs. So good! right?  Then thank your Lord.

Realize that there are so many people like this around you. They don't want Lamborghini car! They don't want royal Enfield bullet bikes. They don't want 10kg gold. Also they don't need those things. There is one thing above them all. What is that?  Love, compassion and unconditional love for the sake of our Lord. Love them. Mind them. Honor them. Don't ignore them.


  1. shaneeb...! You are writing heart touching write ups.. well wishes..

  2. We do not value what we have until we are missing, or we see problems of this kind in others. That's when we think of ...... what would be of me if ..... Best regards!


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